To My Dear Lover.

Right now, I wish i could hold you tight in my arms and never let you go. I wish I could touch you, see you, make love to you.. just be with you. But unfortunalety, luck was never my friend and fate turned out to be my greatest disapointment. I have cried so many nights, I have said so many things, I have proved so many times that you're the reason why my heart cries. My mom told me that my happiness should not depend on anyone but I believe she was wrong. She was wrong because my happiness depends on a girl, the girl that will make you happy. For all those lonely ans miserable nights, I know that I am not the right one for you. When I say "I love you", you laugh and say "You're adorable". When I say "I miss you", you smile and say "So do I". The power of your words is negatively too high, because it hurts me without your permission. I am not blaming you, because you are one of the reason why I wake up in the morning and smile. You gave me the ability to know what is true love, you taught me how to listen to my heart, you gave me a reason to cry, and I thank you for that because I'd rather die for something than live for nothing. But baby, the unjust part is that, I gave it all to you. I gave you the power to destroy me, I gave you control over me, I let you unlock my heart, I showed you love, passion, affection and obsession. My friends think I am stupid because they don't know why I love you when that is exactly the point - "True love has its reasons that reason does not know". Obviously things cannot work out between us: Distance, lack of love and ignorance are the guilty. I have search and search and search until I realize that the reason why my heart cries every day and night is because you my love, are not happy; Which leads to my mission : Help you find happiness. Because true love is not selfish, because true love is pure, sincere and honest I now set you free to go find your lover. As long as my heart knows that you are happy, it will warm up and even if it's not completely real, it will smile like before. I do not want to move on but I unfortunately have too. I finally realize that my love for you is not enough because simply you do not love me. You might deserve better than me, but keep in mind that never in your existence, will a girl love you as much as I do. From my side, I will try to give it a chance with someone else, I will like him a lot, but know that without an heart I just cannot love. "Once you fall in love, you can never get out of it, if you do, than it was not true love". Just like the story that we never had, I have to go. I am now forever closing this book.. And please take care of my heart that is with you; Take care of the girl whose making your happiness and also mine; Baby don't forget to take care of you, don't forget that forever I will love you <3

From the bottom of my heart,
From who loves you.

Letter By Sandy LaRose.
June 23rd, 2011 at 09:54am