I'm back.

It's been a while. Almost a year, in fact. I forgot how much I could miss it here.

It sort of hurts to be back.

I just looked back at all my old journal entries, and it's weird how much I've changed. I mean... I'm so different now, so much more mature than I was a year ago and somehow still so naive... and I don't know. I've certainly lost a great deal of my sense of self. If I thought I was lost last year, I had no idea.

Things haven't exactly been peaches and cream this year. I didn't think they could get any worse a year ago, and I suppose they haven't, but in just a year, I've managed to lose all sense of emotion and self, break a boy's heart, and only barely begin to bring everything back together again. That poor boy. He didn't deserve it, but I don't want him in my life anymore. I just want my life the way it used to be, before he came into it. And that, from all that I've promised him, is going to be very hard to do.

I don't know whether I'm back for good or not, but here I am, and I'm back.

If I do stay, I don't think I'll be posting many stories anymore. Just fanfics, of which I seem to be writing a lot of lately, which is odd because I never used to write them, and now all of a sudden here they all are, lying in the palm of my hand like dog biscuits or something. So yeah, I'll probably post those, when and if I ever get to finishing them.

No more original stuff though. I'm actually debating with myself about deleting all the original stuff I've already posted... at the very least I'm deleting the untitled one, because that's my best work, and probably Highway to Hell, as much as I still love that story, because I have actually been thinking about getting something published, maybe, someday, and I don't think publishers would take very well to my having stories online and whatnot. >_<

So that's it, I suppose. I can't really think of anything else to write now, except... goodbye, I guess.

But that was the goodbye I never said a year ago. I'm back now. For good, I think.
June 23rd, 2011 at 10:09am