Made my day!

I am extremely, absolutely ecstatic right now!

Beside it being the last day of school and I received good results on my finals, this journal is about something else.

My English teacher, who has very high standard for her students, apparently thinks that I have a talent in writing. I just went Wha?! because it was so unexpected, and I thought my mind was deceiving me because the fan was blowing next to me.

Now, I'm not a straight A student or her favorite student. I'm certain that I'm not. I mean, to get recognized like that by an English teacher like her is quite an honor. No exaggeration here.

"It's like there's a lot of things swirling in your head," she said. Literally my jaws dropped. How could she know that? I freaked out because it was a very perceptive move she made. It's true that I day dream a lot, often about my story characters or ideas, as nerdy as that sounds. But she'll never know that.

I remind her of one of her former students, whose writing, she said, gave her a feeling that she can't quite pinpoint. And now, he is one of the writers for the show Friends.

Does that mean I have a chance of making it big too? >_<

She encourages me to keep doing what I'm doing now, even if it's just for myself.

Sounds familiar? A lot of you on Mibba give the same advice, but somehow it's more a pleasure to hear her say that in person.

I think I'm going to remember what she said even years from now.

It's such a wonderful day for such a gloomy day. It looks like there will be a rain soon, but I don't care.

What about you Mibba? Had anyone ever made your day like that?
June 23rd, 2011 at 07:13pm