Tomorrow is a New Day. That Doesn't Mean You Don't Have To Make It Count (:

Ever felt alone?

Like, really and truly alone? Like all of your friends had just left, and it was only you? Well, if you did, you aren't the only one.

Ever been banned from seeing the one you love? You aren't the only one.
Ever had a friend betray you? Me too.

But I guess, you have to look at the bright side of life, when you are feeling this way.

Ever spent a week doing nothing? Or partying with a friend? Ever had a water balloon fight when it was freezing cold? Ever made a list of things to do, and didn't end up doing it?
I know I have.

I have my entire life to be sad. But this is the summer of my sophmore year. I want to make it count. I have lots of time to figure out who my real friends are, and figure out some effed up situations I have going on. Because time can solve a lot of problems.

Just remember, when you're feeling bad, tomorrow is a new day. And the day after that, and the day after that. Loved the time you have on earth, because it doesn't last forever.
June 24th, 2011 at 04:10am