Depression Pulls You in Deep.

I am still going through a severe depression, but about a year and a half ago was when my depression reached it's worst.
I cut, I thought about suicide; to the point of knowing how I could do it the easiest. My mother got me into counseling after I did a poetry project for school about depression. Funny thing is, my counselor never asked if I was suicidal. So, when I finally told my mom about the suicidal thoughts she wasn't very happy.
I also have severe anxiety, I have pills to take when I have an attack; the pills were actually how I was planning on...well you know.
Only about five people in my life know that I have cut my wrist, my three best friends, my little sister, and two other people I used to be friends with. If you ask me today why I cut my wrist, I would look you in the eyes and say, "I am an idiot, that made a big mistake." This month I got a tattoo on the wrist I cut that says LOVE, to remind me that there is love everywhere, and that everything I have gone through doesn't mean that I don't deserve to live my life to the fullest.
Last July, I was in a very bad car accident; someone I was friends with flipped my car. I hit the roof of the car and my neck popped ten times. I am lucky that I didn't die, or at the very least be brain damaged or paralyzed. My best friend and my little sister were also in the car. I landed on top of my best friend and my little sister was in the front seat. The driver broke his ribs. Other than the obvious shock, none of us were that hurt.
There were times after the accident that I wished my neck would have broken, and that I would have died.
The whole purpose of this is that I want to be able to tell my family these things, but I don't have the guts. I am afraid they will judge me, and get angry. I am not good with verbally telling people how I feel.
I just want to know how to tell them.
June 24th, 2011 at 05:05am