Advice needed..:/ and its appriciated...

This kid i've known and liked sinse second grade, comes down every summer and our families chill on the beach and what not. Today on facebook, i told h hm to "hmu"(hit me up). Soo he texted me, and told me he wanted to hook up and that he'd date me. (hooking up to him means make out, i checked). And then he asked me out. My foolish self said yes. So then we were talking and then he was like, "listen, i don't wanna date you, because I don't really like you, and i don't really know you, but we can still hook up Sunday if you want." I told him yes. Ugh. I've never even made out with anyone, and I could use some advice on that...and should I even? Please,please,pleeeeeease help :| thanks ahead.!
June 24th, 2011 at 06:55am