Day 3

Today, Journal, I am chock full of info. First, I will soon be updating A Violet Sun, A Blue Moon so no need to worry. Today, I spent my time working on a forum website. A good chunk of that time was spent working heedlessly on the ranking system. I decided to follow by army standards, and then changed it, but, you can see that for your self journal. Oh. I almost forgot. I forgot my Admin password to login and change things. MEANING I am screwed. I can't ask for a password because right before I logged out I did something. What? For security reasons I had to disable the feature for admins so no Willy-nilly person can ruin the forum. And of course it shuts me down. Then I remembered the password. Not bad right. Wrong. I put it in, but, it said, hold on let me quote it, "The maximum number of 10 login attempts has been exceeded. You are not allowed to login for the next 90 minutes." So my awesome forum sucks. ANYWAY, it is A Writer's Haven and I thought of fellow Mibbians and see if not only they would want to help start the forum, but, spread the news and also post some poems or stories. I'll eventually get my password in sometime, but until then, yeah. So journal, don't let me down. Hopefully I will be able to reflect on this some day. But until then. GODSPEED.
June 24th, 2011 at 10:41am