
no, no, no...
I dedicate this entire entry to the people who feel this pain...
This torment.
This blackness.
I want them all to know that it might not end, but their is still hope...
All my dear friends... they care enough to empathize... to try to take it on for me... no... This is my burden, the sky that crushes me... i will smile my broken smile and shake my head to you... no i will say... when you try to take it off my shoulders.... i will never set this weight upon anyone else.... It is mine... Never...
I want to say how much i love you all... and that i will always throughout all the years i live remember the people i met over this site.
Grey, thank you... you make me feel needed... you make me feel strong again... like i can do something important.... and now thanks to you i will...
I dedicate this journal to The Broken... the Hopeless... the shadows and shades of life... A new light will burn soon... a single flickering candle in our world that seems like and endless night... but like i told a friend... a single candle burns most brightly alone in the darkness...

Thank you for reading this brief, confusing, emotional, and strangly touching entry...
Comments are always welcome...
June 25th, 2011 at 02:59am