Words aren't just words, they change history

I can't help but think of how much words have changed the face of history since the beginning of time. Words not only express how we feel but they change how we feel and what actions we take. The speeches that stand out to me is the Gettysburg address and then many years later the address FDR made to congress days after the Japanese attacked the naval base at Pearl Harbor.

I know many of you on here are younger than I and you have your own views and opinions on the world yet to be shaped by such speeches. I love history, and I know that we will not know where to go if we don't know where we have already been.

I am going to add a link of both speeches to this journal, feel free to read them and take your own meaning from them both. I thank you for your time in reading this journal and the speeches at well as commenting this journal. I say good day to you all, and have a wonderful evening.


I would like to ask you to please check these speeches out if you have never read or heard them before they are very good pieces of work.

If you are reading this journal please add me as a friend and message me! I like new people and all types of people, I will be nice to anyone that is nice to me back!!
June 25th, 2011 at 05:19pm