Homophobia Is Gay

We all breathe, we all eat. We all sleep and our hearts all beat. Does it matter if you’re gay, bi, or straight? So learn to love and forget to hate. In today’s culture, homophobia has become a major problem; forty-eight percent of Americans are against Gay rights. But do they know what they’re doing?

Homophobia has been stripping people of their identities for centuries, not only their personal identities, but their sexual identities as well. It isn’t accepted in society, so a lot of people hide who they are, so they’re accepted. They’re afraid to tell people, friends, family, and even other people who are homosexual. They’re afraid to be themselves. They’re afraid to be gay. This causes a lot of people to become homophobic themselves, to hide who they really are, from themselves and others.

Often today's adolescents start engaging in sexual activity because they feel pressured to prove to others that they are straight. It doesn’t really help that today’s teens refer to things they think are stupid as ‘gay’. The multiple partners they may have increases the risk of STD’s and teen pregnancy. People often hide who they are so long, they forget. They may enter a marriage they don’t want because of this, or to continue hiding it, because today’s society makes them feel like it’s wrong.

Homophobia promotes violence. Whether it’s a kid being bullied at school, protests on both sides of the spectrum, or gang violence. Homophobic parents, who are doing wrong, can teach their kids that it’s right and then we have a whole new generation that’s doing the wrong thing. Who knows, it could even escalate. It should be stopped before it gets to that point.

Today homophobia is at its worst. The army now has the ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ policy, but what happens if they find out? They place you on Administrative Discharge. As of June 24, 2011 six states and The District Of Columbia have passed a bill to allow same sex marriage. That’s six out of fifty, which is not enough. Even school health classes diminish the subject. They talk about heterosexual intimacy, but what about homosexual intimacy? The topic is not discussed, keeping vital information from students.

Homophobia Is Gay – Frank Iero

This is an essay for my English class and I would appreciate it if no one used it for anything without my permission.
June 26th, 2011 at 03:08am