Partying Partying Yeah! -___- Questions? Maybe I dunno :P

Well I bought my tickets tooo UPROAR!! Im soooo excited. Im going to go see Avenged Sevenfold on September 5th. Its on a Monday though!. Oh well its just school! Haha. They sold out of pit seats sadly. ): Oh well I got pretty good seats. As long as I can see and hear them Im good. You have no idea how pysched I am to see them!!!! I cant wait!!!!!!!! :D
Dont you love parties. Theyre just so awesome! Especially little kid ones.. Note the sarcasm.
The only good things is they have bouncy houses.. Or whatever you call em.
Dont you like going to the park I now I do. But one thing I cant stand is when little kids hog the swing! Its like as soon as someone gets off someone else magically appears. Im like wtf! Once a little kid yelled at me saying I was too old for the wing. Nobody is too old for the swing. Not even an 80 year old! Okay maybe an 80 year old but not me!!!!


1.Any good concerts youre going to or been to?
2.Any parties Lately?
3.Do kids hog swings at your park?
4.Are you awesome?
5.Am I awesome?
6.Is an 80 year old too old for the swings?
7.Are you pysched for anything?
June 26th, 2011 at 06:55am