*** your Story|RANT|?'s

Sooo! I just got into my hometown on Thursaday. Everything is all happy and good 'cause I'm back, right?

That night I found out that I forgot my charger halfway across the country. That's alright though, because I'll get another charger the next day after we get done shopping, yesh?

We got done shopping and then headed to Best Buy to get another charger. Course by that time my phone is getting close to dead. SO, the lady is all like, "yeah this charger will fit your phone, :]]]]]" with a big smile on her face.

We get home AND...!
It doesn't work... and by this time i'm pretty pissed. But we figure we can just turn off my phone and take the chrger back tomorrow. Then we'll actually go to the at&t store for the actual charger. Which is more expensive than Best Buy.

We do this AND.... it still does not charge. At this point I'm about to scream at random space for no apparent reason. I mean, I've been completely calm like this whole time, looking on the bright side of life, and what do i get? NO CHARGER!

Instead they tell me that there's something wrong with my phone. So I'm getting a new one since I've only had it 3 months. But we can call the at&t people on Monday. Freakin' people can't be open all week? Everyone else in the world works weekends! What makes them so special?!

Needless to say i don't have a phone. Failure. I hate technology! I mean, my other charger worked JUST fine!

1. Do you hate technology?
2. What the worst technological thing that's happened to you?
3. My whole big long story was kinda lame, wasn't it? I know.
4. Give me something good to read! :D yes?
5. What song should I put in my itunes?
June 26th, 2011 at 08:01am