Only reading one chapter?

Probably going to sound like a moaning person but i feel that its polite to finished reading what there is of a story once you start it. I know you may read the start of one and not really be interested but if theres more how do you that the next bit could be better? I mean it might just be me but if i start reading part of a story i continue. i think its good manners. also i think of how it can make someone feel if they have 9 readers of the first chapter and then the number of reader slowly reduce even when the newest people read it there were more chapters after. I dont know about anyone else but i find that mean that someone could read the beginning of a story and can't be bothered to see if it gets better. i understand that some stories might not be other people kind of thing but still i think its a bit rude to start reading something and not finish. even when i start reading a book and if i'm not particually interested i will read it to the end. Am i being oversensitive on the subject or do people agree it is rude?
June 26th, 2011 at 08:59am