My Diet Is Flawed [ + f o r m s p r i n g]

My diet is soooo flawed.
I just woke up and had cake for breakfast.
That's just.... pathetic. xD

I actually think that I'm a sugarholic. I feel so low if I haven't ate anything sugary in a whole day.
No worries though, I'm a sports-freak and work out 3-4 hours every day.
But I'm still worried about what will happen if I get injured and can't work out.
I'd be the size of a house.

I really have to change my diet this summer. It'll be my project. :-)

Now to!
I just signed up there.
My username is AlexVanilla.
I don't really understand what the site is about though, so can someone please explain it to me? :-3

Song of the day:
I Don't Care - Fall Out Boy
June 26th, 2011 at 10:05am