Crazy Dream #1

June 26th, 2011

I have crazy dreams sometimes and they're so entertaining. So, I've started writing them down so I can always remember them!

Last night, I dreamt that I was back in the days of pirates. I was at the town port watching over three kids, one boy and two girls, all around the same age. Suddenly, one of the girls fell into the water and began to panic because she couldn't swim very well, so I jumped in and saved her. But everyone thought it was weird that I saved her so quickly and swam so silently. Then, someone yelled out that they saw "The Phantom". I asked what is "The Phantom" and my best guy friend said "The Phantom" was the most sneaky, clever, and wanted pirate in the world, but no one could catch him.

As I was talking to him, the three kids overheard the conversation and wandered off to find "The Phantom". We noticed they were missing, went looking for them, and found them under a dock to a huge, isolated ship, giggling. As soon as we joined them and scolded them for running away, "The Phantom" walked onto the deck above us. I tried to quiet the children, but it was too late. "The Phantom" spotted us and told us the only reason nobody could find him was because he killed anyone who did. He pulled out his sword and my friend and I picked up the kids and ran. The pirate chased and eventually cornered us.

I grabbed my guy friend's sword and told him to take the kids and run away. He hesitated, but obeyed. "The Phantom" said somehting about fighting a girl was just humiliating, and I responded with something like getting beat by one was worse (cheesy I know). We began fighting (I kicked butt!), but he eventually ended up chasing me on top of a horse-drawn carriage. The horses then go unhooked somehow and left the pirate on an out of control carriage. I looked back at him, confused, but he waved me to move to the right and he crashed into a pile of barrels.

I walked carefully over, but he pulled his sword on me. But then he gave me a really weird look and out of no where the British Navy appeared that my friend called on. They led him away by gun point and then I woke up!

That was my crazy dream! Pretty lengthy I know, but it was really detailed. I might even turn this into a story later on. :)

So, do you guys have any weird/strange dreams that you remember? Leave a comment!
June 26th, 2011 at 06:49pm