
Yesterday, the 25th, marked exactly two months till my sister and I make our way up to Flagstaff for college. It's crazy to think that in just 8 short weeks I will be living on my own, well hopefully my sister will be my roomie but we don't find that out till late July. I guess you could say that I am entering into a world of unknown. In my short 17, almost 18, years of walking this Earth I have never been alone. I've always had someone there with me. It started out in the womb when my sister and I were conceived, I wasn't alone there. Then throughout school I had her and later on we met our bestie and we've been together ever since. It's going to be really awkward if I don't get to room with my sister. I'm a very socially awkward person and meeting new people is quite difficult for me. Plus, I've lived in the same room with her before so I know what to expect.

Some people may use college as an excuse to party and completely slack off. Well, I can proudly say that I will not be one of those. Some may say, "Well, how do you know that for sure?" The answer is simple. I've lived in this little podunk town in Arizona my whole life. There is literally nothing here for me. If you want to get somewhere in life you can't be living where I do because there is literally nothing. By going to college and hopefully graduating in 2015 I will finally get the chance to move on to bigger and better things in my life. I want to become a music journalist and there is absolutely nothing like that in Arizona. I've lived here my entire life and I can honestly say that there is nothing like that here. If I want to become a successful music journalist I need to move to where the music scene is up and happening. I've been thinking about it, and so far California is the best bet for me.

The only thing I am a little unsure about is how I am actually going to get the money to do that. After all, I am the daughter of a waitress and a man who has been unemployed since the end of 2010 who are going to be putting two children through college at the same time. I'm going to do my best in college to try and save up money to do that. After all, it's my dream and if it means I have to cut a few things from my life, then so be it. I want to do whatever it takes to reach my dream. After all, it was my dream to graduate high school, seeing as it's been 40 or so years since someone in my family has actually done that, and I did it. That right there showed me that dreams do indeed come true if you put your mind to it.

I have this crazy dream that I will one day live at Disneyland. Some may say that that is utterly ridiculous and that I should get a new dream. What they don't know is, is that I strongly believe that if you truly work on pursing your dreams that they will one day come true. I mean look at me so far? One of my dreams has come true so who are they to say that my Disneyland dream will never some true?

What are your dreams?
June 26th, 2011 at 09:50pm