New Relationships Thrill Me

(Written on May 1, 2011)
I love new relationships. There is all of this possibility in the air with hearts and trust not yet broken. I can say, "I'll tell you someday" and he will believe me that there will be a someday and there will be a future. There's room for growing and learning together and the fun of taking new risks. So I sit here tonight and look up to the stars and pray that I do not break this boys heart because his mind is full of ambition and hope and trust. And I sure as hell do not want to be another girl to stab his heart and stomp on it and eat it. I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I broke his heart and crushed him to pieces, shattered, and his heart in the exact situation it was before I was able to give him light on his horizon. I want him to find the love he's hoping for and for once I want it to be in me.
June 26th, 2011 at 11:42pm