I got the oww-y

On my toe, that is.

I woke up this morning to find a red spot on my toe. Why?

I was mad in my dream, and, by some dumb luck, kicked the wall next to my bed.

I knew I did because I vaguely heard a loud rumble in my sleep and a sting on my foot. Strangely enough, that wasn't enough to wake me up and I continued to sleep through it. Now I just have to wonder how stupid that was.

I heard it is hard to act out what you dream in your sleep. Apparently, that is false.

There are occasions when I woke up to find random marks on my face or arms. Not sure how they got there.

Other than that one interesting highlight of the day, care to read...The Fake Bride

Keep in mind this is not a comment swap. Just want to advertise my story.
June 27th, 2011 at 02:25am