Just shut up. You are not smarter, stronger or better than someone for these completely pointless, arbitrary things. (Help me, I can't write.)

Everywhere on the Internet, the real world, anywhere self-righteous people exist (again, I'll stress everywhere) there are always these attitudes that make one type of person think they're better than another. And these reasons are completely ridiculous and petty. The grounds on which superiority complexes are based on are things like people's personal lives and lifestyles. Basically, if I hear one more person talk about how special they are compared to "a slut", I might just have to gouge my eyeballs out.


If someone's personal life does nothing to affect yours, what the hell is your problem? Is it so hard to accept that other people's business is not yours to comment on and to form some superiority complex over people similar? What honestly makes you think you're better than somebody that you personally deem a "slut" or a "stoner" or "fat" or "preppy" or "emo" or whatever when that person does nothing to interfere with your life? It's like judging someone by their appearance. Their body is not public property for you to critique.

Anyway, I've written about this before, but it pisses me off to no end. I just... Can't wrap my head around it.


Actually, at the moment, I cannot write a single thing. I'm just sort of staring at a blank page making faces at it. I've been doodling all over it, drawing strange men with big hair and pointy shoes all over my notebook. I feel like a complete derp.


^ I might as well be occupying my time doing that.

This has been a ramble with no point. Told you I couldn't write.


this has been a gratuitous rhys webb gif spam to represent my emotions
June 27th, 2011 at 05:50am