PIKACHU I CHOOSE YOU!!! Random urges to have a pokebattle...lmao

Okies.. So first off, today I was having a pretty good day up until I hopped onto omegle (Strike 1).....It's like fucking chat roulette up in there!! >.< Anywho, that made my happy meter go down a bit and so I decide that it would be fun to do some stupid things in public. Mi familia y yo went to wal mart and I was skipping around the display tables and what not... Then I walked up to a random dude and yelled "WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?!" for no reason to him.. Then I like gave him a death glare and skipped away... My brother and I then preceeded to go to the toy isles and find some HUGE bouncy ball things.. They were red and shiny and so we spent like twenty minutes pretending to have a pokebattle ot whatever in the name of andy sixx they're called.. xD that's my life for you..
June 27th, 2011 at 08:41am