new story! and a lovely date.

hey everyone, sooooo, i kind of suck at life.
i keep making new stories and never finishing them!
so i have decided.
i am going to write a story this summer
(the whole thing!)
and then when it is completely finished
i will put it into chapters and put it on mibba for you!
i probably won't finish Stay With Me which sucks because i really liked that story, but im only on the 6th chapter, and i dont know where to go with the rest of it. *sigh* so it'll prob be cut eventually.
but i pinky promise that i WILL finish a story for you guys!
so on friday i had probably the best date of my whole life!
we went to subway for breakfast and it was super adorable
then we went back to my house and watched "Inception"
and then we went to my camp for the afternoon
we went on the peddle boat out on the lake and it was so romantic :)
we played cards and flirted up a storm!
it was such a great day!
ok i'm done blabbing at you guys, thanks for reading and i hope that my new story works out great!
lots of love and theatre,
bliss <3
June 27th, 2011 at 04:44pm