So baby keep my heart b-beat beat beating <3

^ Stereo Skyline - Heartbeat
The perfect song for how I feel at the moment. Happy.
I'm not agitated, nor depressed.
The sunshine shines oh so bright.

This is the happiest I've been in a long time. I don't know why. I just am.
Its like my face just can't stop smiling. It's so... Good. c:

When I'm happy, most people aroung me are happy. So, it's all good.
But this thing with Madison needs to clear the fuck up.
Excuse my language. (:

She told me she hated me. It's cool though.
But Hannah was talking to her on the phone while she was with me. And I wanted to know why she hated me. So I asked.
And she saiiidddd... "Stfu. I don't wanna talk to you. Bitch. Bye."
And hung up. I laughed. So hard.

She even made a hate list. A thing of friends she has to eliminate this summer. Bahaaa. What kind of freak does that?! xD

I was on it... Cherokee, Isabell, Meredith, Kaylee N., Sidney.... Everyone. Besides Maurin and Hannah. And Maurin's not even a good friend to Madi. But whatever. Soon, she'll have tons on enimies and everyone will hate her. So it's cool(:

Casey needs to call me, that bitch. Jaaykaay. I love you, gurrrlll. ;D

So. Hannah and I were at the mall Friday. She saw a friend of her's and told him I thought he was cute. And so he gave me his number. And we started talking. And... I think I like him. A lot. But Idunno if he likes me. I mean, we flirt and stuff, but there's nothing harmless in flirting.

But it's cool, though. I don't want anyone right now. I'm perfectly happy with me.

So. Havin' a good summer? I am. c:

Byee for now. <3
June 27th, 2011 at 09:18pm