Good Bye

This is really hard. but on this day June 27 2011, two of the most amazing. caring and love people passed away. The thing is, I didn't know them personally but something about it just makes me want to crawl in bed, put my knees to my chest and cry. All though I've already done that once people keep telling me that I didn't know them so why care. But the thing is, I do care and they don't understand why I cry for them. I went to school with them and saw how happy they were with each other. They were brothers, best friends and had amazing people around them and I feel bad for not being one of those people. Their parents must be crushed and their girlfriends even more so but me...I don't know how I'm doing with all of this. If I had a shoulder to cry on I would go directly to it but I don't and that's okay because none of my friends understand why I'm getting so upset. A while back a person died in a pond by my house and I didn't cry for them...It was only because I didn't know them. I didn't know them at all and I had a reason not to. But for them, I saw how happy they were, how they could laugh at stupid things and cause people all around them to be happy without even doing anything. The truth is, I'm going to miss them and I don't need a reason to be angry at God for his mistake. So I'm saying goodbye to these two amazing people... R.I.P.
June 27th, 2011 at 10:26pm