So earlier this year my band directors made up this system. Instead of a To-Do list, they call it a POW list. If you get something done on your list, you earn a POW. But if by the end of the day you didn't finish everything you put on your list, you have to subtract a POW away from your daily total (they called that a WOP).

For example: I write down that I have 8 things to do on my POW list. By the end of the day, I've only finished 6 of them. That means I earned 6 POW points, but since I didn't finish the other 2, I subtract the 2 from the 6, so my total for the day is 4 POW points.

It started as a total joke, but I find it really helps me. Why? Because it keeps me motivated. What's my motivation? If I can get 10 POW points by the end of the week, I'm going to have my best friends spend the night Saturday night, but only if I get 10 POW points. My band director took he and his wife to a nice restaurant. So reward yourself! Or this system will never work.

The only rule to this system is that you have to have 5 or more things to get done on your list (trust me, that isn't a ton, you'll live). You can keep challenging yourself as well by stepping up the number to 6 and so on.

Remember: this is to benefit you and you only. It does work and it will make you a better person. :D
June 28th, 2011 at 06:27am