
This is all I'm going to say. I MISS YOU GUYS SO FUCKING MUCH. You two were like big brothers to me, shielding out the hurt and loss and now that you're gone...Everything is going break and fall apart. Why did God have to take you? Seriously? He couldn't take a couple criminals and be happy with that? No...He had to have the best people I ever knew and now laying in my bed, loosing sleep and pretending that this is all a dream...It's going to help because I won't wake up tomorrow with everything being fine... I will always think about you two, and cry for you even though it seems really stupid. I know you're watching me and thinking that I'm just really overreacting about all this but let me tell you...It's been a hard day for all of us. I'm not okay and I will never be okay...The heartache will be to much to bear. So I just wanted to say that I'm angry at God and he should have took people that deserved it instead. REST IN PEACE my unofficial brothers and I hope you know that my heart will always be with you, my thoughts and prayers are going out to the ones who were the closest to you. I LOVE YOU GUYS </3
June 28th, 2011 at 08:31am