Rant # 1 Linkin Park and Lemonade?

Don't you just love when there's a song that you can relate everything too? Okay yeah, I'll admit it...I'm pretty much obsessed with Linkin Park! I love them. If you ever went on a song lyric website and read the lyrics without even listening to the song, the messages each song has is incredible. Chester and Mike are freaking amazing writters to think of songs like that. I mean songs now a days barely have any meaning. Come on, "Got that glitter on my eyes, Stockings riped up the sides." Okay sure "Blow" talks about something....Getting wasted and partying. That's the meaning of the song. I'm taking about, song that have feeling about them. And tell a story...a good one. Not a stupid story about going to a club, dancing with poeple having sex and getting wasted. Lmao. This is just a random rant. Idk why i'm writting about this, but yep okay i should go now :D
June 29th, 2011 at 10:32pm