Rant # 3 We are NOT gonna die!

So, as many of you know...We were suppost to die Tuesday, May 17th at 6:00PM. I was at dance during that time...we all survived. Then that night it was announced that the correct date was May 21st of this year. xD what a freaking fail. Ok we so didn't die either. Alrighty, and NOW it's suppost to be sometime in October? This is so stupid. They keep changing the dates. It's obviously not going to happen. Eventually, yes it will. But no time soon. But my favorite has to be 2012. Ok, the Mayans were an early civilization. They could of just randomly picked a date. They probably did too. I mean seriously? For all we know the world could end in 3 seconds..1..2...3. Nope, were still here. So, My gullible friends...Calm your balls because the world isn't going anywhere :D here hopefully this picture will make you all feel better.

June 30th, 2011 at 07:54am