Another entry from me? I bet you guys thought I was done with Mibba! (Pictures of characters!)


Hey, guys! Long time no talk, right? Yeah, I thought I was done with Mibba as far as writing goes, but honestly I'll probably never be done with Mibba as a reader. I love that there are people posting their original works on here with no fear at all, and there are some real gems out there (I'm too chicken to do that and I was really into one, but then the author deleted it before I could finish it ): )

I'm speaking to you again to give you an idea about when I will delete my stories. I know I've mentioned it before, and yet they're still up. Well, to be honest, my life would be a lot easier if I took them down now, but I'm experiencing computer issues. My computer has a virus or some form of ware that's really screwing it up right now so if I delete my stories, that could be it! No more stories! What I do have saved on my flashdrive is the old originals that didn't go through the Mibba spellcheck, and sometimes stuff would be added or substracted in the posting process. I'm not too worried about "Wild Blood", but I would hate it if I lost the finished product of "Love, The Hardest Way" even though it is still riddled with errors despite the hours of editing I put into every chapter. So my stories will stay up until my computer's fixed. When that will be, I don't know, but I hope it's sooner rather than later. This is the last warning, I guess. Thank you to everyone who have read my stories and care enough to read this. Thank you so much. :) Ciao!

(Click the link here to give it one last read of my stories for old time's sake if you want: Love, the Hardest Way, Wild Blood)

And now for those pitctures I promised. I enjoyed playing with the pictures as much as actually writing the story for some reason, and I felt liek this entry was too boring without a little something extra.

Image (btw, I did not put the text on this one. Sorry. it was just a good picture I found that depicts really well how I imagined him in highschool)

Okay, really this time! Goodbye!
June 30th, 2011 at 09:10am