Transformers, Little Problems and Throwing It All Away

First of all, I saw Transformers 3 today. It was great if you love giant robots smashing things, buildings and eachother for two and a half hours. But let's be honest here, who doesn't love that? Being the emotional fangirl that I am, I knew I'd cry. Thankfully I didn't. But I did have tears in my eyes at parts. Only because I'm such a huge Bumblebee fan.
Yes, I'm still obsessed with Thor lately. I even managed to do some decent sketches of his broter, Loki. I am BEYOND excited for the upcoming Avengers movie. I swear, my inner fangirl is just going to die!
Little problems. Well, I recently reconnected with one of my best friends. Long story short, we were the best of friends. Drama-free and always together. Then I got my iPod touch and started to push her away for a different group of friends. Eventually we didn't even speak. But the other day I sent her an apology letter. Because, hey, nobody else gives a shit about me lately and what could I possibly have to lose? And now we're Friends again. I know I hurt her. I really don't deserve forgiveness but I am SO glad she did forgive me
Throwing it all away relates to the previous episode, where I have nothing to lose so why not try. It's just more, liberating I guess, to think like that. Because really, what DO you have to lose? If somebody's not your friend and you want them back, send them a message! Either you become best friends again or you dont. Either way, you lose nothing.
I'm just really confused lately. I don't know. Someone makes me really happy and they shouldn't so I feel bad for feeling happy and it confuses me.
I can't stop listening to "Iridescent" by Linkin Park and I REALLY want to see Thor again. >.< well, I guess that's all.
Thought of the moment: "Sometimes complete strangers can care more about you than the people you call your 'friends'."
June 30th, 2011 at 10:22am