I have a problem, will you help me please?

Alright so there's a guy named Nathen that will not stop texting me. I have been ignoring him all month. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new month and I've had it with him trying to flirt with me over a text message when he has a girlfriend. I haven't said anything to him yet at all. I don't really know what to say- okay well, maybe I do but I don't want to be mean to him. Would it be considered 'mean' to say: "You were a one night stand, nothing more. Delete my number and don't attempt to contact me again I am NOT interested in you AT ALL. Thanks."

Yep. That sums it up. He was a BAD one night stand. The sex was beyond horrible. Never. A. Fu**ing. Gin. I'm good on that one. Plus, I'm already I guess "talking" to another guy atm. I had been talking with him up until like 5 months ago- a "friend" of mine ran her mouth about some bullsh** and he stopped talking to me. She kinda wanted him for herself but she screwed that one up badly herself. He doesn't even like her as a person any more, aha. Well, the one thing she did do was make our flow of communication better so when I see her next, I'm going to tell her, "Thanks for trying to fuck everything up when really all you did is make it better for us:)".

What do I do guys?
Do I tell him that or ignore him still?
June 30th, 2011 at 01:15pm