bad day? HELL YEAH!!

So my bad day went from great, to fine, to okay, to bad, to worse, and then to downright awful. know why? of course you don't so i'll tell you. Today my sister and i were playing tag in the house but i didn't watch where i was going and my foot jammed into the corner of a door. i thought i was dying and my toe swelled and i thought it broke. Later that day, a couple hours after i did THAT i was in the car with my mom going to the ER to get my foot checked out and she handed me some chapstick. The day was really hot and the chapstick had completely melted, so when i popped the cap off to get the chapstick out, it splattered all over me. Then when i tried to get it off by flinging the wax out the window, i rolled the window up on my fingers which left a line of has been a BAD DAY. Luckily my foot isn't broken, just sprained :D and THEN when my foot was all wrapped up and there was ice on it, a big cat claw thingy that reached the cealing fell over on me and so now i also have a bruised forehead. PLUS i also failed my drivers test...lucky me! glad it hasn't gotten any worse though.
June 30th, 2011 at 10:30pm