My Pathetic Plea For Help...and Some Randomness.

Bleh. Anyone else suffering from writer’s block? Or is it just me? Anyway, I need help! The story I’ve been writing, And If Your Heart Stops Beating, has come up to a very suspenseful part and I cannot think of CRAP. If anyone has any kind of idea, vague, specific, screw it, I don’t care. PLEASE read it, and help me out here! I also started out on another story, At The End of The World, and as of now I only have one part written. I don’t know if it’s worth trying to continue, and I’d really like your opinion on that, whether or not you want me to keep writing. Honesty plea- Ooh, a spider web…Yeah, don’t like spiders, but I do like their webs... So pretty…Mmhmm, major ADD-ness right there. Aaaanyway, comment telling me your favorite lyric at the moment? As of now, though it could change within the next three and a half seconds, mine is “But melt your headaches, call it home” from Panic! At The Disco’s Northern Downpour. Anyone else addicted to making paper wishing stars? I’m pathetic…I have so many, it’s kind of ridiculous. Yeah, at this point in time I’m addicted to Ghost Adventures and paper stars. So no, I am not a normal kid.

Happy Thursday! Hope you’re all having a lovely summer. Nom nom nom?
July 1st, 2011 at 01:47am