The Maine.

This is so late, but I feel the need to post this now.

So, it's been a little over a month since i've seen The Maine. I saw them on Saturday May 21, 2011, in Charlotte, N.C., at a music venue called Amos' Southend. My two friends and I got there 3 hours early so that we could have a good spot in line, and sure enough, we were only like 30 people back in line. We sat on the sidewalk outside the venue, talking to the other people in line around us. Once the doors opened at 6 p.m., we made our way into the doors, then went straight to the stage so that we would have a good spot. We ended up about 5 people back from the stage, dead center, so I was ecstatic- i'd never been that close to the stage at one of their concerts before! Fast forward to 7 p.m., and the opening act, Hugo, came on stage. They were really cool, and I was into their music. After them, Austin Gibbs came on stage, and I had so much fun singing along with him; he is so amazing. Everyone started pushing during the middle of his set, so I got shoved around, but I only lost like 2 spots in the crowd- I was still close to the stage. Anyways, as soon as The Maine steps out, the crowd goes ape shit (worse than they usually do), and these bitches kept shoving and screaming at people, so by the time the concert was over, I ended up like 12 people back from the stage. Not bad, but not where I wanted to be. But, they played Saving Grace and I bawled my eyes out like a baby. I sang along with every single song and they made me laugh and cry and I was just so happy. They ended with Growing Up, and I cried again because that song is special and cause it was the end of the concert. They ended the song and we all screamed and cheered and then I found my friends (we got seperated before The Maine even came on stage), and we all ran outside real quick to meet the guys.
So, we waited and waited and waited like 45 minutes for the guys to come out. We chilled on the sidewalk outside their bus with a lot of other fans, and we could hear Augustana playing from inside, so I sorta jammed. Haha. Fast forward to when the guys come out of the bus! First, Pat came out and everyone like attacked him, so my friends and I just hung back and waited. Then Kenny came out, and he was attacked, too. Then Garrett came out and I literally ran over to him and I was like the 8th person to meet him and safjlkdsfkldjflkdf. I love all the guys so, so much and all, but Garrett is just perfect okay. Anyways, I walked up to him and we talked while he signed my poster & then we took a picture and I was so nervous; my hands were shaking and my heart was beating so fast. He was like, "Calm down!" and laughed, and then I thanked him for everything he's helped me through and he was like, "I didn't do a thing, okay? You're a strong person. Hang in there." and he hugged me and I swear I just melted right there. Okay. So I hugged him one more time before I went to meet the other guys. Next was Kenny, and oh my lord, he's so sweet! He signed my poster & we took a picture and then we talked about un-important stuff and then I thanked him too for everything and he hugged me. Then we went to Jared, and he's literally like a teddy bear. He was joking around with us and we talked while he signed my poster, and then we took a picture. I thanked him too for helping me through everything and he hugged me and it was such a nice hug. Then we went to Pat, and I swear, I love that boy. Someone texted him "We're gonna have a good time later ;)" or something and he was like, "Guys, i'm scared!" It was so cute. Him and me talked and he signed my poster & after we took a picture, I thanked him for all he's done and he pulled me into the best hug i've ever had, and it was just awesome. I love him. Then we went to meet John last, and holy hell his crowd was hugeeeeeee, so we waited for like 20 minutes. We were only one person away from him- one. person. away. And my mom comes and MAKES us leave, so I didn't get to meet him. Ugh :(
But, I was just so so so glad that I got to see them and to tell 4 out of the 5 boys thanks you for all they've helped me through. It made me feel so good to tell them that, and all 4 of them were so sweet and hugged me and kjfjkanfk. Best 4 hugs of my life. They told me that they'll be touring again in October/November, so I HAVE to meet John when they come back. I love them, okay? Like, you guys don't understand how much I love them.

Okay, I sound like a weirdo & this is really long and yeah :)
July 1st, 2011 at 04:46am