Love Is

What is love? It’s literally defined as “to feel tender affection for”. But no, that’s not love. Love is so much more than that, so much that it can’t properly be put into words. Love is when you see the object of your affection and the world seems to slow, they’re all you can see and it’s so intoxicating. You never want to look away but you have to. You have to look away because love also stings like a steel knife, right in your heart, which twists and turns whenever you think about it. And if you’re truly in love, that’s all the time. Love is butterflies in your stomach by just hearing that persons name or voice and you can feel all the blood rushing to your face. Love is an addictive drug and a fragile plaything. Like a porcelain doll on a shelf, just out of reach. Once you’re big enough to grasp it and you’ve waited so long to see it, it’s more beautiful and perfect then you could have ever imagined. Words cannot describe how you feel when you have love, it’s as if a combination of every emotion hits you like a tidal wave in the stormy sea of affection. And just when you think it’s safe to get back up, it crashes over you again. You’re absolutely submersed in every possible emotion, it’s so overwhelming and you can’t fight it no matter how hard you try. You are held down by the sheer force of it, drowning in it, and absolutely engulfed in it. Describing love is difficult for anyone, especially if you’ve never experienced it. But if you have, you know that once it has a hold of you, it rarely let’s up giving you the chance to escape. And if it does, and you take the chance to leave it behind, you will regret never feeling that way for any one person again, you become addicted to the feeling of trying to have that wave hit you, even if just one more time. Love is intoxicating. Love is a steel knife cutting deep to your core. Love is relentless butterflies that make you anxious. Love is a beautiful porcelain doll that is so easily broken. Love is a tidal wave. Love is something that should be cherished, never let go, and most importantly, never forgotten. Love is so much more than can be put into words.

(If anybody actually reads this please comment and tell me what you think thankssomuch)
July 1st, 2011 at 07:28am