
As the sun falls the moon rises to perfect area to shine its moon light revealing my face eyes are red from crying tears still falling from my face and i slowly speak to my self "Am i destined to fall at all my love interest am i alone on this path i have been put on what am i surpossed to do?"

I slowly look up to my last love as he walks away and i think *i was so careless i lost the person i love i was so raised up i felt like nothing bad would happen now this what will i do next?* i slowly look around to see his brother and his lover leave me standing there crying. I look down slowly and i close my eyes then i hear a voice saying "its ok i am still here."
I open my eyes to see a hand i reach out for it and remember his name and remember i had a crush on him still i think to myself *i wont do anything to hurt this one i want to stay with him i love him this is my last time*
As i touch his hand and I leap into his arms crying he smiles and wripes my tears away and says "its ok its ok dont worry i am here"
July 1st, 2011 at 10:23am