
So the upside of today was watching Titanic with my slipper socks on.... And my tracksuit bottoms and sobbing my eyes out with some ice cream....
To sum up in a word: PERFECTION.

And if I'm completely honest, it works for guys too :/

It's getting a bit boring now with this whole ' I am so macho. I do not cry.' Thing. I mean... We all know guys cry... So why hide it? I mean don't go round blubbering every time you see a dead pigeon or someone who has a small cut on their arm...
But don't lie about how much you cry guys.....

'Cos all us girls know you do ;p

And although this does not apply to all guys, it definitely applies to most.

Good movie to watch - Four Weddings and a Funeral <3 Makes you laugh and cry so.. cool movie ^.^

:) The great thing is that one of the guys is Scottish AND I LOVE HIS VOICE <3 So if there are any Scottish people that read this... I LOVE YOUR ACCENTS!

I'm the unlucky one to be landed with half a Spanish family and not actually LOOKING Spanish so count yourselves lucky my dear readers... You do not need to conform to a stereotype or get asked to speak Spanish... Or in your cases Scottish... But still, same difference ;p

Well... Off to bed at last... After a long, hard day of doing....

Absolutely nothing in particular XD

Good night, sweet dream, sleep well bladdy bla bla

And this is dedicated to my dear friend... sweetXblackXsilver... Get off your lazy ass and get that chocolate pudding!!!!!!! It's calling you my dear... And you must go get it ;p Lol.

Anyways Good night readers :3
July 2nd, 2011 at 12:31am