First paragraph of my first story. Comments/criticism/suggestions

So what do you guys think. I will probably rate it NC-17, because there is language and sexual content. If you're easily offended, don't read.

It’s happening again. That moment when I can’t stop my mind from going a million miles a minute. All that really appeals to me is cowering under covers and sleeping off my relentless, pointless efforts in trying to make my life better. Maybe I can change things around, but for some reason I always choose not to. Maybe I like being sad. Sad has always been there for me. Sad comforts me, it’s familiar, it’s home. It doesn’t matter how long my sadness has prolonged for, the same thoughts, feelings, and actions all take place.
That’s why I, Noah Deesen, sleep around. I sleep in my bed, I sleep in stranger’s beds, I sleep on the bus and subway, I sleep at bars, and I sleep with girls. Fat girls, skinny girls, black girls, Latina girls, you name it; I fuck it.
July 2nd, 2011 at 06:25am