Contest time!!!

So if you haven't read my story The Teenager's Guide to a Hot Step-Brother, maybe go read it, cuz this contest is for that story! But if you haven't, you can keep reading and help anyways! Link's right here:

Okay, for readers, I need 2 new characters!! A boy and girl. I decided I'm going to host a contest to find them! So you just put their name, what they're like, and who should play them in your opinion (Or just what they look like). These characters can be anyway you like, as long as they're ages 16-18.

Now I need 5 or 6 new guy characters. Remember when Emmett said his dad was headmaster at a school? Yeah, these are the guys for that school. The only thing is they have to be 13-18. Same criteria as above.

My last thing is: I need a bitch and her posse! Mean girl and her crew. Whatever ya wanna call it! These are 4 girls ages 16 and 17. I just need names that might work, and a picture of what YOU think they should look like!

It's the 1st today. How about I check in on this on the 15th (That's 2 weeks from now, right?) and then I'll message you if you won.

I'll dance around important chapters that I need these guys in for the meantime. I'll probably focus on Emmett's past. I bet you guys are dying to know about that, right?! What made him the Emmett he is today?

Anyways! Thanks so much if you help me!
Love M(:
July 2nd, 2011 at 06:59am