I never new I could be this happy with something so simple. Questions?

So my boyfriend left for Marine Corps bootcamp last Monday. And I've been so use to seeing him everyday and just being around him, just not being able to see him has been terrible. I'm over emotional half the time, and iit's only boot camp, not even a deployment. I've been waiting by the mail box since Monday, which was our 7 month, and no mail.
His sister texts me today saying she got a post card, not a letter, but a post card they send to tell the family the date of his graduation and that he has arrived safely. She then gave me the address I could mail him, and I am just so happy. My emotions are just everywhere, I want to laugh and cry at the same time. I miss him, but just getting this simple address, made my week, the rest of the month even. It just makes it easier, knowing I can talk to him now. Not like I did before, but still. A little is better than nothing at all. It really is true what they say. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and stronger.
It just made me really happy, I wanted to write down my feelings somewhere. :3

1. Have you ever been in love?
2. Ever been in a long distance relationship?
3. What do you think about military relationships?
4. Favorite quote?
July 2nd, 2011 at 07:25am