If I eat any more... I'll die.

So in the end the day didn't turn out so bad.

The tidying/hoovering got done.... Nan came... We went for a leisurely walk.... And had some dinner (at an extremely late time even if I do say so myself :p)

But we didn't just have a meal... We had a FEAST!

So we had a starter, main course then dessert and I guess you're thinking, 'Feast? Pfsh! I'd hardly call that a FEAST.' But you did not try the food... In a word: Nice... In two: Nice/ Bleugh.

I swear I had to take off my belt, I ate so much. Which is not exactly my idea of attractive x) But hey, it turned out okay, and I'm still alive, if a bit sick.

Going out cycling tomorrow with my friends... So that should be.. Interesting to say the least. Considering that one of them can't actually ride a bike and another hasn't ridden since she was... About 10 XD But maybe cycling is one of those things that you learn and you never actually forget.... Like swimming :p

Right now... I feel like going out and doing something... But I don't have anyone to go out with... And since it's five past eleven at night and there are probably drunkards stumbling around, it's probably best if I don't go out by myself x)

I'll have an update on things tomorrow but now I'm going to bed and actually getting beauty sleep :p night all <3

As always I love you all<3
July 3rd, 2011 at 12:08am