Wiggle Your Big Toe . . . And Comment Swap With Me

Yes. That's right. I watched Kill Bill for the first time. Then the next day, I watched Kill Bill vol. 2. And now, I love Tarantino's films even more. I like how he pairs violence with creativity so as to make it so that the violence isn't mindless . . . which I admire.


So I wrote a one-shot. I know.Whoop-di-freakin-doo Surprising, right? [/sarcasm]

It's called Good to See You Again. I wrote it the other day and did a few re-writes to get it to where I want it to be. It was based off of a dream that I had the night before I wrote it. (Fun Fact: a lot of my story ideas come from my dreams.) I'm finally satisfied with it but I would like it to get a little more exposure.


I would like to comment swap with you lovely people.

I'll read anything. I mean, I'd prefer a one-shot just because I feel like then our comments will weigh the same. But honestly, I'll read a chaptered story if you really want me to.

Now, just in case this journal actually captures someone's attention, I do have a limit. I'll comment on up to five. It's not that I have this high opinion of myself. It's really just because I want to read something and give a decent comment on it.

So yeah. Happy reading and leave me something to read and comment as well. I'll comment on your piece when you leave a comment / when I have time to make a decent comment. In any case, I'll have the comments done by tomorrow (July 4th). Please and thank you. :)
July 3rd, 2011 at 04:05pm