So Called "Friends"

You know what the fuck is wrong with people in todays world? Friends meaning nothing to anyone anymore. Like what the fuck are we doing?

Maybe I am one of the only people left that actually can honestly give a damn about someone. To me when I'm your friend, I"m going to be there, I am going to text you and see if you want to hang out or go see a movie. Yet I never get that in return and when I do make plans with someone I usually get stood up and honestly I am sick of it. I am sick of being the one contacting my so called "friends" Why can't someone text me and ask how I am doing? Why can't someone ask me if I would like to go to the movies? I just want to be thoguht of, to know that you think of me too, since we are friends, but I guess that is too much to expect now adays.

What the fuck is that? I swear I am the only person left with fucking morals because I think about all of my supposed "friends" all the time. Seriously, I just want someone, anyone to care. And i don't think that's too much to ask but apparently it is. I'm just pissed cause I wish i couldn't care, like everyone else, i honestly wish I could jsut forget about fucking everyone and say go fuck yourself but I can't because that's not who I am so i find it hard to believe that everyone else can do that shit, and just forget about me.

I'm just sick of the faking. Like if you don't want to be my friend then just don't talk to me, don't say oh i love you too and Oh yea we're definitly going to hang out and then never follow through, that shit is just fucking stupid.

I wish I couldn't give a shit, I guess the rest of the world is lucky that way.
July 4th, 2011 at 12:50am