Unbearable weather. In need of your assistance.

Southern California summer weather SUCKS. It has been pretty nice all week and then this weekend the weather decided to take some hard core crack or something. It's like over 100 degrees and it's so freakin humid.
Bleh. I wish it was winter already. Rain, clouds, and coldness need to come back soon. I'm all sweaty and it's so gross. I feel like I should take a shower. I'm sure all of you didn't need to know that, but oh well!

SO! I am in need of some assistance here. On one of my one shots, it doesn't seem like the banner is showing up...but when I go on internet explorer it shows up. So I was wondering if you all would go HERE and let me know if you can see the banner?
I AM NOT whoring out this story for you to read. I mean, you can if you want, but I just want to know if others can see the banner.

I would really appreciate your help. Thank you!
and just cause...

1. Favorite type of weather?
2. Loving the summer heat?
July 4th, 2011 at 04:59am