
I'm having a clear-out of all of my stories, as there are too many to keep up-dating. I shall keep my 'One shots' (you never know when you may need it) 'Because I love you more than my heart can bare' (It's close to being finished, and for that I thank god, because I am bored of it and think it's too sappy) 'Me, Myself and I' (Because I enjoy writing this).
They are the ones which shall stay, and i'm afraid that 'Angels' and 'Hope for the Future' are going. This is because that no one reads them (except for a few, and even they do not comment), and to be honest, I just haven't got the spark for them anymore.
I'm sorry if you liked these stories, and I shall consider letting them live, if I recieve enough comments about this.
Their fate is in your hands, and if you chose not to keep them, then I do not resent you. I hope you shall think carefully, and I am not trying to pressure you.
Happy commenting (or not)!!
June 27th, 2007 at 09:29pm