Teen Suicde and Society.

Its so sad how many teens are committing suicide. It’s been something that has been going on for many years but is only getting major recognition from the vast number of suicide rates, most of them being among teens.

High school’s hard. Just a simple fact. They talk about pressure and hard work from the education but all the pressure and hard work is really from and put into the student body of the school.

Society has taught us that we need to be perfect to succeed. We need to be pretty to be liked. We need to have money. Society used to be based on well-balanced morals I guess you could say? But now it’s based on lies, greed, and deceit. Don't get me wrong that’s always been in society but its been an underlying somewhat while today that’s all it really is.

I miss the days where you were known and remembered for good deeds. For decency. Not how much money you make, how pretty you are, how many shots you were able to drown....

I miss grammar school days where everyone would mostly get along. There is bullying even in grammar school, I was fortunate not to deal with it really but if you think about it, there's bullying everywhere. No matter what age, what race, gender, or sexual orientation.

In high school it’s a huge thing. Bullying is harder to deal with in a sense in high school. That’s the time where you’re trying to find yourself and discover who you are. But do you know how hard that is to do when there are people telling you your nothing and in really bad cases are told to go kill yourself?

People do not seem to realize how much words do really hurt and how they do affect us. Even though at the moment when those harsh words were said we brush them off, those words become seeds, planted in our minds, growing until it becomes all we hear and think about.

I know not everyone can get along but is it really so hard to watch what you say and follow the simple rule: "If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say, Don't Say It At All.”?

I’m ranting about this because I was randomly thinking about the subject.... I’m a random person like that. Sorry for any mistakes, I know there are like grammar freaks on here but it’s a journal so mistakes are allowed lol

Hope you all have a nice day and if your someone who's being bullied, those people who are doing it to you don’t deserve your attention, and if you need to talk I’m always a good listener (:
July 5th, 2011 at 01:06pm