Quotes Part 7

All of my journal entries are quotes that I live by or at least try to live by. I can't put all the quotes onto one journal entry so I need to divide them into as many as I need to fit everything. I hope these quotes help you realize and discover things, the same way they've helped me.


Most people are stronger than they know. They just forget to believe in it sometimes.
~Keith Scott

Many people die with music still in them. Why is that so? Too often it's because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time's run out.
~Lucas Scott

Imagine a future moment in your life where all your dreams come true. You know it's the greatest moment of your life and you get to experience it with one person. Who's standing next to you?
~Peyton Sawyer

Happiness comes in many forms -- in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else's dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It's okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be.
~ Lucas Scott

Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world? Or if the choices we make matter? I believe they do.
~ Lucas Scott

So you want me to tell you something about myself? I don't have anything to say. Even if I did you'd be wrong to believe me. Trust is a lie. Nobody ever knows any more.
~ Nathan Scott

Sometimes I wonder if anything's absolute anymore. Is there still right and wrong? Good and bad? Truth and lies? Or is everything negotiable, left to interpretation, grey. Sometimes we're forced to bend the truth, transform it, cause we're faced with things that are not of our own making. And sometimes things simply catch up to us.
~ Lucas Scott

You ever look at a picture of yourself, and see a stranger in the background?. It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. How many moments of other peoples life have we been in. Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true or were we there when their dream died. Did we keep trying to get in? As if we were somehow destined to be there or did the shot take us by surprise. Just think, you could be a big part of someone elses life, and not even know it.
~ Lucas Scott

Because it´s only when you´re tested that you truly discover who you are. And it´s only when you´re tested that you discover who you can be. The person that you want to be does exist, somewhere in the other side of hard work and faith, and belief and beyond the heartache and fear of what life has.
~ Lucas Scott

Every song has an ending but is that any reason not to enjoy the music?
~ Peyton Sawyer
July 5th, 2011 at 09:20pm