I hate how I can never finish a story. And how people think I don't appreciate what I have.

I write a lot of stories, but I never fall through with them. Sometimes, I don't even get past chapter four. I either rush them, or they drag. I never seem to find a happy medium. I've tried writing one-shots, but I've only successfully written one.

It's irritating. I hate being unable to complete something.

Despite my writing issues, I'm going to try and start writing horror. I usually write fantasy-esque stories, but I love reading horror.


On a different note, I hate how people think that I don't appreciate what I have. I'm a lucky girl and I have family that lives nearby, amazing friends, and a boyfriend who treats me like a princess. I appreciate everything I have and everything they have ever done for me. Just because I have a good life, doesn't mean I don't appreciate it.


I'm bored, and this is my first day on Mibba, so if you want, drop a comment on my profile! I'd love to talk to some new people. :)
July 6th, 2011 at 03:10am