I am sick and tired of the LBGT conflict

Okay, before I start you should know that I am a Bible believeing Baptist and that I am bisexual so that you will not get confused along the way.

So I have heard more than enough about this subject than I need to get annoyed. I have heard someone say they believe a homosexual who has commit the sexual sin can not get saved. I have heard God hates homosexuals. And a lot more untrue things. People have said they get these things from the Bible. The only way for this to be true is to take and read one verse then take it out of content. God loves everyone, I mean come on he made us for heav'n sack. Plus he sent his only begotten son to die on the cross for our sins. The bible says, for whosoever keepth the whole law and yet ofend in one point he is guilty of all. God sees all sin as sin and does not rank it like we do. He sees a lie as bad as murderind someone and murdering someone as bad as lying. Get my drift. I am Bisexual, I have been my whole life but I did not admit it to myself until after I got saved. This whole thing make me think all these christians be cruel to the LGBT and such, no I know, they need to get right with God. We are supost to hate the sin NOT THE SINNER. The whole thing just makes me want to give people on both sides the finger and tell them to grow a set and grow the hell up. I mean come on people; What Would Jesus Do?
July 6th, 2011 at 03:24am