Today :) [[In Full Rainbow Colours.]]

Has been Meh.

First of all I had Science. We made Apple Juice. :) My fingers got all sticky an then I wrote I Don't Love You lyrics on the back of my friends book! (Y)

Then, English. We talked about being homeless and then we made up our own homeless character and read them to the Class. Mine was called Drag. :)

Next, Dreaded Geography. We asked Miss last lesson if we could do more group work and today we did, But seriously, She doesnt get "GROUP" work...

Lunch Time Kiddies! I was very busy. I ran from Geoggers to Music Block. Practiced my xylophone piece ready for tomorrow, then ran back to Geoggers [happens to be my form room] to practice drama for Friday. One of my group members didnt turn up so I ended up helping this other group and Boy did they need it...

Then, Religious Education. Its not too bad really. We are talking about God and who is he etc. I am a true athiest so thats me finished with, but it doesn't matter because then I can have disscussions with our teacher. :)

Finally Maths. I was lined up outside dreading the Statistics test but then suddenly, my teacher opened the door with a smile on his face and says "Go on. Up to the computer Room" That made me happy because I messed about with David on this game. Yeyyy.

Now i've rambelled. How you all doing?
PS. Sorry If you cant read the rainbow!
June 27th, 2007 at 10:59pm