I'm such a nerd. A really nervous, bored nerd! Today is my first day of work.

I've been watching a National Geographic show about the advancement of science and technology, and how you can almost assume how society will change in 10-20 years from now. But it's getting harder and harder for futurists to predict because of how quickly society is advancing just a few days at a time.

It's really interesting. I could watch Nat Geo and the History Channel for hours.


Today's my first day of work at a grocery store, of all places. But I'm nervous! It's my second job, but my first "real" one that isn't a tiny little bagel shop down the street. It's a huge store with a ton of employees and multiple managers and it's always busy. I'm happy to be getting money, but I'm still scared.


I'm bored! Nat Geo has too many commercials, and my mom keeps channel hopping. -_-
July 6th, 2011 at 04:49pm